>Thanks Ric!  I kind of figured that, but needed to verify.  Thanks again!

Hey Ric, let me just add a little bit of what I've experienced in the 
cfqueryparam list.  I've actually recently used them in our sites extensively 
now in many different forms (Ref: 

If a list comes up as '' then sometimes if you have the sql type as integer it 
errors out and I've had to just leave the sql type attribute out of the 

So this,
<cfqueryparam value="#isDefined('myVar')?myVar:''#" 
null="#!isDefined('myVar')#" list="Yes" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />

ends up going to this,

<cfqueryparam value="#isDefined('myVar')?myVar:''#" 
null="#!isDefined('myVar')#" list="Yes" />

I think it's because if there's no value or it's undefined then it 
can't/doesn't know it's an integer or not, so it defaults to nothing?  Not sure 
why really I just know if I don't pass at least a '0' it craps out. 

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