
SQL should have no problem with a null being passed for a list, even with 
integers (I just tested this against MS SQL Server 2005, although I use 
BlueDragon JX 7.1 instead of ACF).

If you are using the null="#!isDefined('myVar')#" attribute in your 
cfqueryparam, then a SQL NULL should be passed if myVar is undefined.  However, 
you might want to change that to 

null="#!isDefined('myVar') OR !ListLen('myVar')#" 

which will also send a null if myVar is defined but empty.  Then you can change 
the value attribute to 



> Hey Ric, let me just add a little bit of what I've experienced in the 
> cfqueryparam list.  I've actually recently used them in our sites 
> extensively now in many different forms (Ref: http://www.houseoffusion.
> com/groups/cf-talk/thread.cfm/threadid:30658)
> If a list comes up as '' then sometimes if you have the sql type as 
> integer it errors out and I've had to just leave the sql type 
> attribute out of the cfqueryparam.
> So this,
> <cfqueryparam value="#isDefined('myVar')?myVar:''#" 
> null="#!isDefined('myVar')#" list="Yes" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />
> ends up going to this,
> <cfqueryparam value="#isDefined('myVar')?myVar:''#" 
> null="#!isDefined('myVar')#" list="Yes" />
> I think it's because if there's no value or it's undefined then it 
> can't/doesn't know it's an integer or not, so it defaults to nothing?  
> Not sure why really I just know if I don't pass at least a '0' it 
> craps out. 

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