> > null="#!isDefined('myVar') OR !ListLen('myVar')#" 
> Thanks Carl, I haven't actually tried both together, I've tried them 
> by themselves (as well as isNumeric and was unsuccessful 100% of the 
> time.  I'll give this one a try next time I find a spot it could be 
> used and tested.  Thank you! 

I wanted to just reply back with another modification I did because I was still 
getting an error when there was no value coming through, but most likely the 
variable itself was defined.

<cfqueryparam value="#isDefined('myVar')?myVar:''#" null="#!isDefined('myVar') 
OR !ListLen('myVar') OR !isNumeric('myVar')#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />

I simply added in the null field !isNumeric('myVar') which checks to see if 
it's numeric or not.  I thought isDefined would catch it, but again it's a 
field that's accepting integers and so maybe it was passing a '' value which is 
not accepted in a numeric field.  Correct me if I'm wrong please.  I'm still 

So, for now this is what I'm using, though I haven't tested it on a list of 
integers yet.  We'll see. 

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