I'm with Rick. You should really change it up a wee bit so you can use
cfqueryparam. It has many advantages.

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Rick Root <rick.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Aside from my trepidations about generating SQL like this because it
> prevents you from using <cfqueryparam>, what you're looking for is
> #preserveSingleQuotes()#
> coldfusion automatically escapes any single quotes in variables that
> are within a <cfquery> tag so if your query SQL is a variable
> <cfquery ...>
> select blah blah blah
> from blah
> group by blah
> #preserveSingleQuotes(havingClause)#
> </cfquery>
> Otherwise, the single quotes get doubled up and you'll get errors.
> Rick

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