thanks for everyones help, its now solved! 

the reason i am building it through a string is because it is interacting with 
various extjs grids, which apply filters. i have a generic function that 
creates the havingclause to filter the data.

i ran the havingclause through a loop printing out 1 character at a time. the 
apostophe was printed as '%apos;' even though it appeared as ' in the sql 

have taken on board comments re cfqueryparam and now that this error is fixed 
will update it to include the sql injection

thanks for all the help  :)

> hi, we are running a cfquery with the following sql statement:
> SELECT viewname, categoryname FROM views LEFT OUTER JOIN 
> viewcategories on views.categoryid = viewcategories.categoryid GROUP 
> BY viewname HAVING categoryname IN ("aaaa's") ORDER BY viewname ASC 
> LIMIT 0, 300
> if we type this directly into mysql it works fine, similarly if we 
> type it directly into a <cfquery> it works fine. however the having 
> clause is getting built from following code and is causing the 
> problem:
> <cfset value = arraynew(1) />
> <cfset value[1] = "aaaa's" />
> <cfloop index="a" from="1" to="#arraylen(value)#">
> <cfset value[a] = '"#value[a]#"' />
> </cfloop>
> <cfset havingClause = "HAVING categoryname IN (#arraytolist(value)#)" 
> />
> the problem is occuring due to the apostrophe '. we have tried 
> preserveSingleQuotes but still does not work.
> is there any way around this? 
> thanks 

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