As you have multiple versions of CF installed you are going to have multiple
versions of the ODBC service as well, each one will be running on a
different port.
Make sure you do not have a conflict here and that you don’t have the wrong
ODBC service running.
I had this problem with a CF98 upgrade that it put the ODBC service on the
wrong port and CF was still using the CF8 ODBC service.


-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schnéegans <>
[mailto:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claude_Schn=E9egans <schneeg...@interneti=71?=
Sent: 30 September 2010 16:05
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Drivers for Access databases under CF 9

  >>Do you have CF9 and CF5 installed on the same box?

Sure, otherwise I could not say that defining a datasource in CF 9
autimatically defines it in CF 5.
Since CF 6, I've always used both version on my development desktop with no
problem, they are completely independant products.

I didn't upgrade to MX on my production server until recently because there
was too many problems with MX, in particular with CFHTTP. But I always
developped my application under CF 6, 7, 8, 9 and made sure it was still
compatible with CF 5.

As I can see there are still problems with the JDBC drivers.
CFMX adds many interesting new features, but the JAVA platform makes
everything far more complicated and buggy :-(

So apparently. CF 9 does define the ODBC connection correctly, CF 5
recognizes it, but the JDBC driver does not see it.

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