
I have shared CF variables with JavaScript too.  What I usually do is this:

If I have to do any processes to define the CF variables, I put them at the top 
of the document, above the <head> section.  Then, in the <head> section of my 
CFM page, I add a <cfoutput> inside a <script> tag and pass all of the desired 
CF variables into JavaScript variables.  I make sure this is defined before I 
load any external JavaScript files and call any JavaScript functions.

This way my JavaScript files retain their ".js" extension.


>I've been using js files as .cfm files
>so I can intermix cf variables in the js.
>i.e., naming myJSFile.js, "myJSFile.js.cfm", instead.
>This seems to work fine, but I've run into an issue
>that makes me wonder if this works in all cases as
>a regular js file would.
>Here's the question:
>If I have a js function in a .cfm file, would the
>declared function be defined by the browser
>upon first entering a page as it would if the function
>were in a .js file?
>e.g., should the function "checkUserFavorites":
>function checkUserFavorites(USERID) {
>       blah, blah, blah
>be defined if the js were in a .cfm file as readily
>as it would in a .js file?
>I keep running into a "checkUserFavorites is not defined"
>for which I cannot track down the problem.
>I'm reaching for an answer at this point, because I can't
>otherwise explain the error message otherwise, yet.
>Thanks for any feedback.

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