While I might prefer to do things the way you describe, I hesitate to
call these things "best practices".

> Hm, I respectfully disagree with putting functions in cfm pages entirely no
> matter how it's being pulled. I think there's a place for functions and
> that's in cfcs.

You do realize there really isn't a right or wrong answer to this,
right? Functions existed well before CFCs - does that mean that
well-written applications predating the use of CFCs are now

> You say you have a lot of utility functions that don't need to be in a cfc.
> If you have a lot of them, why not just create a cfc called utility and
> stick them all in one cfc?

What does that buy you, exactly? The big value of CFCs for many people
is that they let you adhere to OO conventions. But utility functions
don't really follow those conventions anyway.

> Also, if you stick functions and include them most likely your talking to
> that function using scoped variables which as other have mentioned is
> usually a bad practice to do using functions.

Why is that a bad practice? How are functions different from any other
variables? And you might be just as likely to do this with CFCs as
without - you can store those in these scopes as well.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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