I agree that coding standards help. I am disagreeing with the ones you
are proposing and your use of the word "ideal." For example, I don't
think the main use case of a cfinclude is to break up large pages into
smaller chunks. I think custom tags can contain complex code. If all
application logic, processes, and functions must only appear in CFCs,
I think it would be challenging to create a site that is in full
compliance with your guidelines.

-Does all form validation processing code go in CFCs, including the
client-side form validation processing logic?
-Dealing with threading issues and locking is not simple ColdFusion
and setting session variables could be considered application logic.
Does code that sets session variables go in CFCs? How about the code
to ensure thread safety?
-How can you deny a user from getting access to a page without having
code outside of the CFC? This security application logic could require
a cflocation, cfinclude, or cfabort tag. Do cflocation tags go into
the CFC?

Yes you could do all these things in a CFC, but it is ideal?

-Mike Chabot

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Paul Alkema
<paulalkemadesi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that when working on a team of programmers that are all working on
> the same applications or the same website that it's important to have a
> programming standard or a guide. I think this goes with any language be it
> web or desktop applications. I think that it's ok for programmers to have
> their own style of programming style and own methods to programming however
> when multiple programmers get together they should be writing applications
> in the same style using the same guides or else applications and websites
> looks and unprofessional. I also think it really helps the programmers to
> work together and be in sync with one another. Ie; if you have a guide of
> where to put code you can know exactly the location of a script if your
> teammate wrote it.
> Do I really think there is a right of wrong in the discussion of where you
> should put code? Not really. I just think that when working on a team of
> developers that it is necessary to have guides like these so that all
> programmers are working consistently. : )
> Paul

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