Thank you to all for the replies so far. Very helpful. Now that I've had some 
time to evaluate CFBuilder, I'd like to revisit this thread. I'm not bashing on 
CFB here - honest questions: considering that I'm not starting from scratch but 
already have the functionality of DreamWeaver at my disposal, I'm struggling to 
figure out the *incremental* value of CFB.

Things I like about CFB are the code completion (member functions, etc. 
although it doesn't always work), the *idea* of a community of extensions, and 
easy refactoring.

Things I wonder about:
- I see RDS but I don't understand how that can compete with having SSMS in 
another window.
- I see the TailView but I'm used to opening 'tail -f' in another shell window.
- I see the plugin for Subversion integration but I have TortoiseSVN hooked 
into Windows Explorer.
- So far the idea of extensions are great but I can run things like varscoper 
standalone without much effort and (correct me if I'm wrong!) but Apptacular is 
meant for the ORM features in CF9 and I have customers on CF8 so I'll keep 
using PU-36 standalone.

In short, what I see from CFB is a lot of tools integrated into one window. It 
feels "tidy" but I'm not convinced there's *real* value there (beyond what I 
get with DW). What am I missing?


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