My issue was calling a page that sent me an Excel (actually a CSV) file with 
passed parameters via the URL. I was getting a "page not found" error *unless* 
I introduced an error (like changing the name of one of the URL variables). 
Then I would get an error page.

My conclusion was that the "page not found" error was erroneous and something 
else was the problem.

One suggestion was:

Most probably a caching issue, the 404 page is cached in the browser or an 
intermediate proxy.

Turns out that was not the issue. Since you're creating a CSV file (my host 
doesn't have the latest CF version) you use #chr(13)# and #chr(44)# for 
linefeeds and commas. Turns out I had a typo and had #chr13# in one place, so 
the error was a variable not found error that I finally found after stripping 
out all the file creation language.

Just an FYI in case you find yourself in the same boat.

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