Thank you! I will research the UNION Clause. You have been a great help!

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Ian Skinner <> wrote:

> On 2/1/2011 11:35 AM, Aaron M Renfroe wrote:
> > On another note, the
> > query that brought back 98 results may have been working right, i found
> > another 78 records in another table for race car radiators, i'm almost
> > guessing that the last few are in another table that would make the total
> > 200 records.
> Then you are probably looking at three SELECT statements to return all
> the desired data for the record set.  My first choice would probably to
> do all three SELECTS in a single query with a UNION clause to combine
> them into one record set.  But this is not the only option available.

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