I've been using them for about 2 months now; I was looking for more control
over my environment, wanted to replace several shared hosting accounts with
a single account, and wanted to be able to run multiple sites off of a
single codebase.

I initially went with the default 1GB RAM/10GB storage Windows Server 2008
account.  My goal was to run CF9, SQL Server, and mail servers off of that.
 No go, it's just not enough memory.  My final configuration, with
everything up and running the way I want, has an additional 1GB RAM (2GB
total) with the 10GB storage account, running CF9 with memory usage set at
512MB, SQL Server Express 2008 with memory usage set at 512MB, and I ditched
the idea of running a full mail server and instead went with Google Apps for
email, but I am running MailEnable on the server for SMTP. Performance with
this configuration and 5 fairly modest web sites is significantly better
than the shared hosting I had been using.

If you haven't used a VPS host before, as I hadn't, you probably have the
same questions I did.  You access your VPS via remote desktop.  You have
full control over the server, and can install anything you want, so long as
you're within your disk space and RAM limitations.  You need to be pretty
self-sufficient; if you aren't reasonably knowledgeable about windows server
admin, IIS, etc., you'll want to get yourself up to speed.

My only real beef has been support; I am a high school teacher, so virtually
all of my development time is nights and wekeends.  Submitting a non-911
priority support request during the week usually doesn't get resolved until
NBD, and on the weekend, it might take 24 hours or more.

In the end, for under $40/mo (with the extra RAM), I can certainly live with
the limitations.  However, if I was running a mission-critical app that
needed 5 9's, I'd look at higher-end hosts.


On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Peter Donahue <pdonah...@satx.rr.com>wrote:

> Hello again everyone,
>    I'd be curious to hear about your experiences with www.KickAssVPS.comif
> any of you have a Virtual Private Server with them. I checked them out
> several times and like the fact that they offer ColdFusion 9 and use
> Paralells Helm Control Panel for site management and the Virtuozzo Control
> Panel for managing the server. Both products work very well with screen
> reading software. Being a screen reader user this is of importance to me. I
> have had the opportunity to use several Parallels products and found that
> they all work well with Jaws For Windows Version 12.0.
>    Beyond this they seem to be a good company although I'm a little
> squeemish about there not being telephone tech support available. That's
> the
> impression I get from viewing their Web Site. Any feedback will be very
> much
> appreciated.
> Peter Donahue

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