You might also take a look at the GIS capabilities that are now baked
into sever DB systems. MS SQL 2008 and the newer versions of PostGres
come to mind as having native support for geographic data. A lot of it
will come down to figuring out your actual requirements, which seem to
be rather fuzzy at the moment. But as much as possible, I'd suggest
using a tool (like a GIS system or spatial-aware DB) that is more
purpose-driven and hooking into it with CF. CF is a great tool for
acting as the glue for disparate systems. Use the best tools for the
job if you can.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Bryan Stevenson
<> wrote:
> Thanks Rob/Paul,
> Rob, you confirmed what I thought.....this shouldn't be rocket science.
> Paul...yes I'd certainly prefer to let the right tool do the job.
> This is an initial check to see what is available.  I'm in no way
> married to any ideas about what tools would be involved.
> Currently, I can say these things:
> 1) No data structure defined as of yet
> That said, access to the definition of these shapes as defined in  a
> proper GIS system may be possible....but maybe not the functionality of
> the GIS system (i.e. I assume someone might be able to give me "shape
> files" or whatever may define these shapes)
> 2) May not have access to the GIS system
> As I mentioned above.....I probably wouldn't be able to simply pass the
> location to the GIS system and ask if it's inside of a shape.  I am
> wondering if there is such a utility?  perhaps a light weight doohickey
> that can be pointed at a shape and given the location and it spits out a
> result (in or out).
> I'll check those links Paul
> Cheers
> On Wed, 2011-03-16 at 23:38 +0700, Paul Hastings wrote:
>> On 3/16/2011 11:12 PM, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
>> > I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on performing a task that
>> > involves determining if a given lat/long is within a given oddly shaped
>> > (not a simple rectangle) area/box?
>> that (point-polygon searches) is actually the GIS's job. what are you using 
>> for
>> that? how are you storing the spatial data?
>> i would rally justletthe GIS do what it was designed for but if you insist on
>> doing it manually i guess start with:

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