In Application.cfc, I know that OnApplicationStart is called when an 
application starts. I'd like to define that better. From what I've read, this 
is when the first page is requested from an app (also possible are event 
gateways and Flash remoting but I'm not using either). So, if I say:

this.applicationTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);

in my Application.cfc and a day goes by since calling OnApplicationStart, isn't 
it true that the server doesn't invoke my code on its own (like a cron job). It 
waits for a day to go by and then invokes OnApplicationStart on the next page 
request - even if that request is hours later?

I'm asking because I'm trying to track down some odd behavior in a customer's 
app. The OnApplicationStart code looks at CGI.SERVER_NAME to determine which 
config file to load (production, staging, dev, etc.). Twice in the last 6 
months, the production system starts to think it's a dev system. Are there 
cases where CGI.SERVER_NAME could be empty or undefined or... when 
OnApplicationStart is called? Can I trust that CGI var's are always set 
correctly in this scenario?

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