>I think I can see one possible cause of your problem Dave.
>You may actually have 2 applications running.
>one on yourdomain.com
>and another on www.yourdomain.com
>So if someone goes to yourdoamin.com and then www.yourdomain.com they will
>NOT be seeing the same application.  So perhaps most people go to
>www.yourdomain.com, but every so often someone visits
>yourdoamin.com instead, which would restart the application if it was
>outside the timeout
>To avoid this you need to add a redirect, so that only 1 domain is in use.
>either redirect www.yourdoamin.com to yourdomain.com or vice versa.
>And also change your code to explicit to avoid this problem
>if CGI.SERVER_NAME IS "blah.com"
>else ... staging
>else ... dev
>else redirect to blah.com

Russ -

I'm not sure I follow 100%. Whether the subdomain is there or not, IIS is 
configured to point to the same docroot so the same code will execute. I 
thought that the code manipulated the same application object if this.name was 
the same (which it is regardless of subdomain). Or am I missing something? 

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