As with soo many things on this forum... the answer is usually - Ben Nadel

Ben wrote a wrapper for a java package that interfaces with Excel, called

<>It's pretty badass, point
it at an Excel file and you'll get back an array of objects essentially
containing all the sheets and all the data in the sheets (as queries)

Once as query objects you can choose to display the data however you want,
including in grid form (check the jquery site for good grids to use)


On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Liz Maher <> wrote:

> I've been tearing my hair out all day with this.
> I have an Excel file that will be uploaded each day by one user who logs in
> and uploads it via a form.  The Excel file has multiple worksheets. The
> names of the worksheets and even the columns will change and I won't be
> privy to these changes.
> I have a few other users who need to log in and view the file. I do not
> want it to be edited, just viewed.
> I realize I can have User1 save the file as read-only and  can just link to
> the the Excel file when authenticated users login but I want it to only be
> available via a CF page because we are using CF based authentication, and
> SSL.
> I am open to ideas...most solutions I've found have dealt with editing and
> writing Excel with CF. I just want to display the file, inline if possible,
> and only to those who have logged in successfully via my CF login system.
> Help?...and many thanks in advance.

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