Thanks. I found that earlier today and actually tried it out but numerous 
errors frustrated me. I'm dealing with MX 6.1 and even though I found and 
applied a fix to the CFC for 6.1, I just got a different error down the line.

I am really hoping to just be able to display the Excel file within the page, 
not extract objects from it or manipulate it in any way since i don't need to 
DO anything to the Excel file at all.

>As with soo many things on this forum... the answer is usually - Ben Nadel
>Ben wrote a wrapper for a java package that interfaces with Excel, called
><>It's pretty badass, point
>it at an Excel file and you'll get back an array of objects essentially
>containing all the sheets and all the data in the sheets (as queries)
>Once as query objects you can choose to display the data however you want,
>including in grid form (check the jquery site for good grids to use)

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