
The lesson here is that you have unsupported software that Adobe does not
care about. Clearly they are not concerned about whether it's licensed
either so you are probably in the clear.  If the university was really
concerned with licensing then the IT manager would be more concerned about
being on a SUPPORTED version and you would have upgraded over the years and
be on at least version 7 or 8 by now. But I'm not sure you can overcome the
short-sightedness of one guy who holds all the cards :)


Mark A. Kruger, MCSE, CFG
(402) 408-3733 ext 105

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph B Littleleaf [mailto:ho...@littleleaf.org] 
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 7:11 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Help us Please - CF 5 Server Licenses

Thank-you all for your replies.  

A. Open Source
Last month, a student worker setup a test Railo server and moved a copy of
the CF code there.  It immediately errored out.  So I am not sure how much
of a rewrite is needed.  FYI, CF 5 predates the JAVA version of CF.

B. Adobe
Adobe bought out Allaire after CF 5. We were registered with Allaire but
Adobe is not helpful.  Basically, we were told that they do not support such
an outdated version nor have records regarding them.

C. Tool
Unfortunately, our school is a bureaucrat's dream. Our director is helpless
as the IT manager can cite univeristy SAP regulations all day.

It's sad and funny at the same time.  Allaire already got our money.  Adobe
doesn't much care as our version predates their take over.  And we got five
CF server boxes that are considered worthless because how software licenses
are defined.

PS A friend tried our legacy code on their CF 8 box, and it works.  So CF
5-8 versions are possibilities so long as we can get the licenses at a price
we can afford.  I am afraid of getting them from eBay.  How can one tell if
the license is valid?


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