> As it stands now, Adobe is now maintaining 2 CFML Editors

I would argue that is not exactly the case.  ColdFusion Builder is a
pure CFML IDE, plain and simple.  Dreamweaver, on the other hand, is
capable of editing CF code, but that is just one of the many things
that it does.  It's hardly a "waste of money" for them to maintain
both products as they have vastly different capabilities, purposes,
and target audiences.  It's like saying maintaining basketball and
baseball at the same time is a waste (well, I suppose for some people
that argument could go either way).  They both involve players and a
ball, but are vastly different games.  Builder and Dreamweaver each
have their strong points depending on the type of work you're doing.
I'd argue that Dreamweaver is made more for front-end developers who
happen to need to edit CF code from time to time (or PHP, or ASP, or
whatever), while Builder is meant for those of us almost exclusively
in the trenches with CF.  Personally, I'm glad there are different
products which each solve specific needs.

-Justin Scott

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