> Setting up a 'grouped' plan to only run x of them is a valid 
> assessment, but I would suggest that you do this by tracking which 
> ones need to be redone outside of the page.
> An example would be, you could have each of the necessary redone's to 
> show up in a database table, and mark them as completed once they are 
> done.  The you would just need to pull the oldest 5 of them each time 
> you load the page.  (this would mean the page would have to be loaded 
> more often.

There isn't much to the page with the loop.  It's mainly a db call and then I 
do the loop based on that, over the page that has the db calls.  While I can 
see the db page (it has 12 database INSERTs or UPDATEs), I can't alter it, so 
no use in posting that.

I thought last night that a way to do sets of five is similar to your 
suggestion.  I could run the page, having it do just 5 as you suggest.  Then I 
could have the page reload itself with a cflocation and have it then do the 
next 5.  That gives time for other processes to be called in between.  I could 
have the page count up and send the count through the URL and do a certain 
number of reloads before it's done for awhile.  Then the next time the schedule 
comes up, it can go through more of the set.  Right now there's a buildup of 
records to be worked through.  As it cleans up, I would only expect it to have 
less than 5 each time it runs.

Here's the loop code:

<CFQUERY name="qry_stuck" datasource="#application.dbDataSource#" 
    SELECT f.g8888_id
    FROM g8888 f, case_event ce, spnshp_check sc
    WHERE f.g8888_id = ce.g8888_id
          AND f.g8888_id = sc.g8888_id
          AND f.status_id = 3
          AND ce.locked_by_id IS NULL
          AND sc.spnshp_chk_type = 'A'
          AND sc.on_your_behalf IS NOT NULL

<cfloop query="qry_stuck_in_spnshp" >
    <CFQUERY NAME="qryEmpInfo" DATASOURCE="#application.dbDataSource#" 
    SELECT g8888.employer_info_id, ei.employer_id, ei.agent_id, g8888.case_no 
            g8888.office_location_id, g8888.Status_ID,
            TO_CHAR(g8888.submitted_date,'mm/dd/yyyy') date_received, 
             ei.address_1 employer_address1, ei.address_2 employer_address2, 
ei.Name employer_name, 
             ei.City employer_city, ei.State_Id employer_state_id, ei.State_Id 
             s.code employer_state_code, ei.Postal_Code employer_zip, 
ei.province employer_province, 
             ei.country_id employer_country_id,c.name employer_country_name, 
substr(ei.postal_code,1,5) employer_postal_code1, 
             substr(ei.postal_code,7,4) employer_postal_code2, ei.Phone 
employer_phone, ei.Phone_Ext employer_phone_ext 
         FROM g8888, EMPLOYER_INFO ei, state s, country c  
         WHERE g8888.g8888_id = #g8888_id# AND g8888.Employer_Info_Id = 
         and ei.state_id = s.state_id(+) and ei.country_id = c.country_id(+)
    <CFLOOP INDEX="x" LIST="#qryEmpInfo.ColumnList#"><CFSET 
"#x#"="#evaluate('qryEmpInfo.' & x)#"></CFLOOP>

    <cfinclude template="/insert_spnshp_inc.cfm">

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