+1 to "corporate spin"

And no, no one in their right mind would invest in a **NEW** Flex/Flash
application.  From the Adobe page:

============ /snip ============

*Does Adobe recommend we use Flex or HTML5 for our enterprise application

In the long-term, we believe HTML5 will be the best technology for
enterprise application development. We also know that, currently, Flex has
clear benefits for large-scale client projects typically associated with
desktop application profiles.

Given our experiences innovating on Flex, we are extremely well positioned
to positively contribute to the advancement of HTML5 development, starting
with mobile applications. In fact, many of the engineers and product
managers who worked on Flex SDK will be moving to work on our HTML efforts.
We will continue making significant contributions to open web technologies
like WebKit & jQuery, advance the development of PhoneGap and create new
tools that solve the challenges developers face when building applications
with HTML5.

============ /snip ============

That said, obviously someone with _an existing_ Flex/Flash application is
not going to just throw it away immediately. But there is no way they will
build new stuff with it.

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Mike Chabot <mcha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You have to look through the corporate spin put on that announcement.
> Adobe is trying to make a bad event sound positive. When they write
> "yes" they actually mean "no."  The abandonment of Spectra was
> accompanied by a rosy news release and claims of "This is fantastic
> news!"  Spectra quickly died.
> Would a software architect choose Flex for a new $1M enterprise
> development project when Apple, Microsoft, Google, and now Adobe have
> all come out saying that HTML 5 is the future for RIA development? A
> big target of Flex is the enterprise market where Web applications
> cost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars to build, often with
> multi-year development timelines and large project teams. I don't
> think many large companies will be willing to roll the dice on Flex or
> Flash for future large projects with Adobe making statements like the
> ones they made in the past week.
> -Mike
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Bryan Stevenson
> <br...@electricedgesystems.com> wrote:
> >
> > They say they are assigning some Flex SDK engineers to the open source
> > team...did we read the same announcement??
> >
> > On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 16:08 -0500, Mike Chabot wrote:
> >
> >> Open source is a phrase that can have a few interpretations. In this
> >> case it means Adobe is not going to devote any more company resources
> >> into future development. I think the outcome will be the same as what
> >> happened to Spectra, unless the Flex community convinces Adobe to
> >> change their mind. I would guess that development of Flex is very
> >> expensive and Adobe was not selling enough licenses of Flash Builder
> >> to cover the cost of the Flex SDK software engineers.
> >>
> >> -Mike
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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