Hi Brook,

Certainly you will want to have a try / catch around that, you could put
the delete of the ram file in a <cffinally> tag to ensure it runs,
otherwise if an error is thrown in the cfinclude the file never gets
deleted and stays in ram.

Also to answer your question about the garbage collection, I don't think
that would be the issue, the garbage collector only removes objects that
have a reference count of zero, I would assume that when you have a file on
the ram disk ColdFusion maintains a reference to it, when you delete the
file CF will delete the reference and allow the GC to cleanup.

I don't think reducing the size of your ram disk will make the problem go

What you might want to do is run this after you run your load test to see
whats in there:

<cfdirectory directory="ram://" action="list" recurse="true" name="dir">
<cfdump variable="#dir#">

Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional
http://foundeo.com/ - ColdFusion Consulting & Products
http://petefreitag.com/ - My Blog
http://hackmycf.com - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Brook Davies <cft...@logiforms.com> wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> I don't think its possible because the ram disk size is set to 500 megs,
> and
> this was only 10 concurrent users!  I have another test with 100 cuncurrent
> users running tonight and I guess we'll see what happens though I am sure
> this is going to be an issue. I added a try/catch around the write/read and
> am them attempting to do it again, so I guess we'll see what happens.
> Maybe I should reduce the size allocated to the ram disk?
> Brook
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Freitag [mailto:p...@foundeo.com]
> Sent: February-22-12 9:35 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Ram Disk problem under load
> Another thing to consider is that the Ram disk has a size limit specified
> in
> the ColdFusion administrator. Is it possible that the write failed (perhaps
> silently) because the ram disk was full.
> --
> Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional http://foundeo.com/ -
> ColdFusion
> Consulting & Products http://petefreitag.com/ - My Blog
> http://hackmycf.com
> - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 3:12 AM, Brook Davies <cft...@logiforms.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > Did some very light pre-load testing yesterday in preparation for a
> > larger test tomorrow. This limited load threw some errors. I'm writing
> > to the in memory file system some CFML code, that I then cfinclude to
> execute it.
> >  Its
> > pretty straight forward code, and this was under very little load (10
> > concurrent users only).
> >
> > Note: I have an application mapping for the ram disk in application.cfc:
> >
> > <cfset this.mappings[ "/ram" ]              = "ram://" />
> >
> > And then in the problem code:
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > <!--- set the filename to a unique name ---> <cfset filename =
> > 'wildcardparsing-#createUUID()#.cfm'>
> >        <!--- write the file --->
> >        <cffile action="write" output="#cfml#" file="ram://#filename#"/>
> >        <!--- include and execute the cfml --->
> >        <cfinclude template="/ram/#filename#" />
> > <!--- clean up --->
> > <cffile action="delete" file="ram://#filename#"/>
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> > The error I got was:
> >
> > Could not find the included template
> > /ram/wildcardparsing-66031760-EEDC-69FB-8F2EFEC77564096A.cfm.
> >
> > I got a similar error in another template on a different execution
> > that uses similar code to generate the CFML for a CFDOCUMENT tag and
> > then writes it to ram disk and includes. I have never seen this error
> > in development it only started happening under a wee bit of load. What
> > could be the problem? The In memory file system is set to 500 megs in
> > the cfadmin (which is probably overkill..). Would a garbage collection
> > before the include had been completed cause this to happen?
> >
> > Brook
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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