Hey everyone,

Did some very light pre-load testing yesterday in preparation for a larger
test tomorrow. This limited load threw some errors. I'm writing to the in
memory file system some CFML code, that I then cfinclude to execute it.  Its
pretty straight forward code, and this was under very little load (10
concurrent users only).

Note: I have an application mapping for the ram disk in application.cfc:

<cfset this.mappings[ "/ram" ]              = "ram://" />

And then in the problem code:

<!--- set the filename to a unique name --->
<cfset filename = 'wildcardparsing-#createUUID()#.cfm'>
        <!--- write the file --->
        <cffile action="write" output="#cfml#" file="ram://#filename#"/>
        <!--- include and execute the cfml --->
        <cfinclude template="/ram/#filename#" />
<!--- clean up --->
<cffile action="delete" file="ram://#filename#"/>


The error I got was:

Could not find the included template

I got a similar error in another template on a different execution that uses
similar code to generate the CFML for a CFDOCUMENT tag and then writes it to
ram disk and includes. I have never seen this error in development it only
started happening under a wee bit of load. What could be the problem? The In
memory file system is set to 500 megs in the cfadmin (which is probably
overkill..). Would a garbage collection before the include had been
completed cause this to happen?


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