I've been banging my head on this all day.  All I want to do is put a number to 
the left of each word that I find in my document so that I can eventually turn 
those into links to jump from one match to the next.  I have it partially 
working.  Here is my code:

<cfset getMatches = REMatch('#url.terms#', '#DocContents#') />

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(getMatches)#">

<cfset DocContents = Insert("#i#", DocContents, REFind("#url.terms#", 
DocContents, 0)) />

What happens is, I put in coldfusion as a search term and it inserts the number 
in the wrong spot.  So it would be c1oldfusion, c2oldfusion, c3oldfusion, etc.  
Anyone ever experience this before? 

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