When I put in the found.pos[1]-1 I get "You have attempted to dereference a 
scalar variable of type class java.lang.Integer as a structure with members"  
Whatever that is supposed to mean?  

> Looks like my last reply was truncated.  (Out of curiosity, I am 
> resending a cfscript version to see if the lack of tags makes a 
> difference.)

>  <cfscript>
>     startAt = 1;
>     for (i = 1; i <= ArrayLen(getMatches); i++) {
>         found = REFind(url.terms, DocContents, startAt, true);
>         // insert *before* the matching string 
>         DocContents = Insert( i, DocContents, found.pos[1]-1);
>         // shift starting position forward to ensure we find a *new* 
> occurrence 
>         startAt = found.pos[1] + found.

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