A lot depends on the search pattern.  But as you loop keep track of where the 
previous occurrence was found. Then start searching  *after* that position. 
Otherwise, refind will just return the first occurrence over and over again.  
You can use the fourth parameter of reFind to get the position and length of 
the string found ie  reFind(pattern, string, startPosition, 
returnSubExpression).  Then use those values to shift the starting search 
position forward each time you loop.

Not highly tested, but something along these lines

<cfset startAt = 1 />
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(getMatches)#">
    <cfset found = REFind(url.terms, DocContents, startAt, true) />
    <!--- insert *before* the matching string --->
    <cfset DocContents = Insert( i, DocContents, found.pos[1]-1) />
    <!--- shift starting position forward to ensure we find a *new* occurrence 
    <cfset startAt = found.pos[1] + found.len[1] + len(i)

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