> Not sure how you tested this

Define a variable representing a number as a double:

          <cfset y = val("15")>

          <cfset arr = [y]>

Now run indexOf("15"). The value is not found because unlike CF functions, java 
lists also consider data type when determining element equality.

        15 = #arr.indexOf("15")#  ==> -1 / not found
         y = #arr.indexOf(y)#  ==> 0 / found

> It returns the index of the value, secondly if you wish to do a case
> insenstive index then it is still possible.

Well my point was not that it is _not_ possible ;-) It was that indexOf is not 
a straight equivalent of CF9's array functions. So before using it,  be aware 
of these two differences. 

>  public boolean function containsIgnoreCase(required array arrayList,
> var it = arrayList.iterator();
> while(it.hasNext()) {

Honestly, I do not see the benefit of down to the java level for this. If you 
are going to end up looping anyway, may as well use a native cfloop 
array="...". It is

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