Anyways if you are looping why don't u add it like a key of structure in that 
case all keys are your unique email id's.

On May 5, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Les Mizzell <> wrote:

> I did two test using the basic code below.
> First test exactly like below using a list.
> 2nd test, modifying the below to build an array instead of a list and 
> checking for a duplicate value in the array
> The query used returned a list of close to 14,000 email addresses....
> Average total time in both cases was around 400 milliseconds (out of 
> running the code 20 times or so)
> On the average, the list compare method edged out the array by 10 or 20 
> milliseconds, BUT - sometimes the array method won out.
> Not sure what I learned from that. The list method is slightly less code 
> and I've got that working already. Think I'll leave it as is.
> At the most, this type of thing only gets run a few times a day, so it's 
> not constantly chewing server resources.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <cfset req.thisLIST = ",">
> <cfset sTime = getTickCount()>
> <cfquery name="rmailLIST">BIG QUERY HERE THAT RETURNS 14,000 email 
> addresses</cfquery>
> <p>Time after Initial Query: <cfoutput>#evaluate(getTickCount() - 
> sTime)# milliseconds</cfoutput></p>
> <cfset req.groupLIST = #valuelist(rmailLIST.ml_email)# />
> <p>Time after Build List: <cfoutput>#evaluate(getTickCount() - sTime)# 
> milliseconds</cfoutput></p>
> <cfoutput>
> <cfloop list="#req.thisLIST#" index="i">
> <cfif IsDefined("i") AND isVALID("email", "#i#") AND NOT 
> listfindnocase(req.groupLIST,#i#)>
> <p>#i# wasn't found</p>
> <cfelse>
> <p>#i# was found</p>
> </cfif>
> </cfloop>
> </cfoutput>
> <p>Time after CHECK LIST: <cfoutput>#evaluate(getTickCount() - sTime)# 
> milliseconds</cfoutput></p>
>> I have created a new blog post where I have taken the code for 
> indexOf() from java and
>> modified it to work in this manner for ColdFusion.
>> -- Regards, Andrew Scott WebSite:

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