I think CF10 implements a setting in ColdFusion, Post Parameter Limit. This 
limits the number of parameters in a post request. The default value is 100. If 
a post request contains more parameters as specified, server will not process 
the request and throws an exception or 500 error.

Edit file after making a copy of (by way of backup):

This line:
<var name='postParametersLimit'><number>100.0</number></var>

What value 300, 500? Depends do your own testing.

Restart CF10 application service.

See ColdFusion Security Hotfix APSB12-06:


HTH, Carl.

>We have a new Coldfusion 10 install that is running the identical code
>on many other systems but it is throwing a 500 - Internal server error
>and not running the <cferror routine that we have built.
>Been all over the CFAdmin thinking there is some new setting or
>something but coming up empty.
> Anything you might suggest would be a welcome pathto investigate.

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