Which encryption method are you using?  The stronger ones require that you also 
install the Java Cryptography Extension.


Wil Genovese
Sr. Web Application Developer/
Systems Administrator
CF Webtools


On Nov 4, 2012, at 7:32 PM, "Eric Bourland" <e...@ebwebwork.com> wrote:

> Greetings. I have what is probably a very basic question, about which I have
> done a lot of reading - I still need some help.
> I am trying to use the encrypt function to encrypt a credit card number.
> I am placing the key as a variable in application.cfc, thus:
> <cfset request.encryptionKey = "128-bit character string">
> To encrypt the credit card number, I use this line in my insert statement:
> CreditCardNumber = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
> value="#encrypt(form.CreditCardNumber,request.encryptionkey,"AES")#">,
> ColdFusion returns this error: An error occurred while trying to encrypt or
> decrypt your input string: '' Can not decode string "(encryption key)"..
> How would you handle this? I simply want to:
> 1)      Encrypt the credit card number that is placed in the database - so
> that even if someone compromises the database, the data is encrypted
> 2)      Decrypt the credit card number when it is displayed on a secure
> administration page
> Should I not place the 128-bit key in application.cfc - but instead use the
> generatesecretkey function?
> Thank you for any advice.
> Eric
> *******
> Eric Bourland
> Internet Project Development
> Washington DC
> email:  <mailto:e...@ebwebwork.com> e...@ebwebwork.com
> web: ebwebwork.com
> mobile: 202-390-0185
> fax: 202-315-5809
> Skype: ericbourland1968
> Yahoo IM: eab_68
> AOL IM: ebwebwork
> ICQ IM: 23780065
> MSN IM: ebwebwork
> Google IM: ebwebwork

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