Another method, assuming you're using MS SQL Server (not sure how far 
this goes back compatibility-wise) is to toss in the criteria for the 
full search, but then to only pull back X rows:

WITH Results_Full AS (
         SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, ROW_NUMBER()
         OVER (ORDER BY Field1) AS RowNum
         FROM tableName
         SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3
         FROM Results_Full
         WHERE RowNum >= #StartRowNum# AND RowNum <= #EndRowNum#

Where StartRowNum/EndRowNum are whatever you set.

I've found this method to be superfast when querying large recordsets. 
Works great especially if you're doing a "show X rows on a page" thing 
with forward/back/etc.


On 1/5/13 3:39 PM, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claude_Schn=E9egans wrote:
>   >>2. Only query the primary keys, and then loop over that list grabbing x
> records at a time and doing a new query to get all rows for those keys.
> This is a pretty good method.
> I tested it on a database containing about 450000 records with a seach 
> template.
> I give a very loose criterion on purpose, the query takes 53 sec and returns 
> 44500 records.
> This is ridiculous since the user will only see ten records at a time, using 
> startRow and maxRows in a CFOUTPUT.
> And for the next page, it takes another 50sec :-(
> A certain amount of time is also taken by CFX_highlight which highlights 
> every occurence of the search string,
> again in the 44500 records!
> With this method, the query returns only the 10 records needed, and it takes 
> about 5 sec the first time and 3 sec any subsequent times.
> And the CFX_highlight is applied on only 10 records at a time. A big 
> difference.

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