A related question: I have a table of towns that has ~20,000 records. The 
dataset I need has the record ID, town name, a memo field (usually empty), and 
fields holding an index into other tables (township, county, state, country). 
In my form I have a select field to pick the town. I don't want to populate 
that with 20,000 options so I have a way for the user to pare down the 
possibilities based on the first letter of the town name. I then make an ajax 
call and use jquery/javascript to populate the select field options.

Which is better: run a query of the table at the top of the application and 
store the results in an APPLICATION variable, then do a query of queries for 
each subset, or just query the table directly for each subset?

My initial thinking is the former but now I'm wondering. I do know the first 
option runs quickly, returning about 300 records for "M" and populating the 
select field in 1-2 seconds (I haven't actually timed it, and that's lightning 
fast for most users of the app).

Larry Stephens

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