Hi, guys...

I'm been running my first eCommerce setup with a donation
page/form using Authorize.net.

Things have been running fine, excepts for spammers using
the donation form to find legitmate CC numbers so they could
abuse the card in other ways.

I've assumed, up to this point, that the spammers are bots,
not humans.  The spam attempts happened every 15-30 seconds
for about an hour, then they stop.  Very few are able to
successfully process a transaction, but I'm trying to stop
the form from being submitted.

I've tried honey-pot traps, then moved to CF's captcha (at
its default level of difficulty). So far, the spam attempts
keep coming and my client is wondering if they need to get
someone (besides me) to handle the donations since I can't seem
to stop the spam.

I realize that if someone is hiring cheap human labor for $1
per day to sit and enter form info, that I can't stop that,
but if it is bots doing the spamming, will making CF captcha
more difficult to read have a good chance of stopping the bots,
or do I need to get with reCaptcha.  I like using CF's solution,
because I can code it myself.  But if it doesn't work...

Thoughts on this? I've got to get a solution working.

Thanks for any feedback!


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