Thanks for the info, Al...

It is a royal pain trying to deal with these hackers.
I might just try a combination of two things:

1) a honey pot to catch the humans when it's empty

2) a captcha for the bots who, supposedly, can't read them

Wonder if that would work?

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Musella, DPM [] 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 4:32 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

I have just gone through this...  A big problem is that the 
owner  complains and the credit card company charges you a penalty 
and  if many get through they can dump you.

At first, I banned the IP address when someone tried 3 times 
unsuccessfuly.  That worked for about a day then they would come back 
and try again, but with different IPs.  Must be real people and not a bot.

Then I tried something different... if someone tries 3 times without 
success, I flag the IP address and then when they submit a donation, 
I return the  page that says it failed (and I do not even send it on 
to the credit card company).
I also flag the entire subnet to make it harder to get around.  Most 
are from south america and china..  should probably reject any non 
north american ip..

A few people have called me and told me they tried to make a donation 
and they get rejected for no apparent reason.. in which case I take 
the donation by phone.

   I went about a month without 1 complaint so it might be working!

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