Hi Larry,

There has been a LOT of attacks targeting ColdFusion lately, it's time for
us all to step up our security practices. There is a lot you can do to
harden your server installation, and your application code beyond what you
have mentioned. Security is one of those things that you can never say ok,
everything is secure I can check that off my list and move on, it is a
constant ongoing thing you need to always be working on.

Some things to get started:

1) Follow the CF10 lockdown guide:

2) If you can remove your need for /CFIDE this can make lockdown easier
because you can just block it

3) Another very important thing to check besides that your queries have
been cfqueryparamed is to check all your file operations for
vulnerabilities. Here are some tips for file uploads:
http://www.petefreitag.com/item/701.cfm you should also make check any file
operation that uses variables that can be tainted by the requester, for
example <cfinclude template="static/#url.path#.html"> could be used to
download any file CF has access to (not just html files).

4) Leverage some of the new session functions in CF10 like SessionRotate
(after a successful login), SessionInvalidate (on logout).

5) Employ redundant layers of security (defense in depth), for example
using a web application firewall, such as the one my company makes
http://fuseguard.com/ there are other ones that are non specific to CF as

6) Use security monitoring and scanning tools, such as a PCI scanner, and
http://hackmycf.com/ (note HackMyCF is not a PCI scanner, you should still
use a PCI scanner in addition to HackMyCF, which is highly CF specific).

7) I could go on and on, so go and register for cf.Objective() where you
can hear a several presentations on CF security given by David Epler, Phil
Duba, Bilal Soylu, and myself: http://www.cfobjective.com/sessions/ you can
find some of my past presentations here:
http://www.petefreitag.com/tag/security which also give a lot more detail
than we can get into on this thread.

Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional
http://foundeo.com/ - ColdFusion Consulting & Products
http://hackmycf.com - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubESB87vl5U - FuseGuard your CFML in 10

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Stephens, Larry V <steph...@iu.edu> wrote:

> Our webserver utilizing CF8 was hacked. We're not sure how (in what
> manner), at least at this point, but I am in the process of moving all CF
> stuff to a new server using CF10.
> I am checking all #variables# used in queries to be sure cfqueryparam is
> used. We are moving everything from MS Access to SQL Server.
> I am shedding all cfajaximport's and using jQuery ajax calls. While I
> don't *think* this is security related, I am also eliminating all cfform's
> (but, see below).
> Q1: By eliminating cfajaximport does the public need access to CFIDE or
> can I lock that down to my access, only? I recall having an issue with
> validation in cfform that had to do with not finding CFIDE (but I'm
> eliminating that issue).
> Q2: As far as CF goes, anything we're missing?
> Thanks.

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