You should stick to answering the question asked and only the
question asked and not offer alternatives unless the OP asks for them.

I appreciate the offer to share the alternatives, but please try to not
assume that OP's haven't already looked at alternatives and decided to
go their own way. I've learned over the years, that I can almost always
create a solution in some areas that is better *for me* than anything any
other company including Apple, Google, or Microsoft can create, simply
because I create only what need, in exactly the way I need it. I haven't been
able to get Apple, Adobe, Google, or Microsoft to pay much attention to
my requests. ;o)  The other reason I like to "re-invent the wheel" is that
I learn new things. Always a plus. So, it's not always about the conventional
"best" solution or a convenient "ready-made" solution. It's what suits
my motivations most closely.

Anyway, once I heard, before this conversation, that Google Apps for Business
was $5 per user, it didn't matter how great it was; for a non-profit USO just
getting started, an 10-fold increase PER MONTH was not an acceptable 

-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:37 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Anyone ever created their own email archive with CF?

I do think you have rather thrown the toys out of the pram here over mine
and Dave's Google Apps answers when we were only answering your questions
and correcting your misconceptions.
One thing that happens often in the world of CF and on this list is that
people try to use CFML for everything and thus for tasks it is really not a
best fit for. So it would be pretty a poor community if everyone just said
"here is how to do it in CF" without advising you there were better ways to
do, or that you are trying to re-invent the wheel.
I clearly know a lot more about GApps than you, and Dave knows more than
me, so obviously we wouldn't just sit here and let you think it cannot do
what you want when it clearly can.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Rick Faircloth

> You guys just get ridiculous in your conversations, which, if you'll
> pardon the profane verbiage, inevitably is reduced to a pissing contest
> and a sometimes not-so-subtle attempt to demean others by display of
> something that's supposed to pass for "superior knowledge." It's no wonder
> that geeks have a reputation for totally lacking people skills, because
> that's exactly the way many of you act on this list. No tact, but plenty
> of insulting, off-topic remarks.

You are right that sometimes things do go way off topic and sometimes
people are a bit holier than thou, but sometimes it is also warranted.

> Russ, I think it's safe to assume that if someone managed to keep
> a job in IT for 30 years, and even worked as an IT manager
> that they *probably* know what they're doing? Don't you think?

Absolutely not, and  that misconception is precisely why people say that. I
have known many people who have worked in I.T, accounting, been developers,
etc their whole life, but are really not very good at it, but can still get
jobs none the less.
Sure that is not true for everyone, but it is a pointless statement as it
means nothing and mostly people say it just to shut you up.
Cowboy builders convince people to hire them simply by saying "I have been
doing this for x years", and their victim then blindly assumes that must
mean they are good at it.

> And only *one* person in this entire, mostly ridiculous discussion,
> has even attempted to answer the question I asked to start with,
> "Anyone ever created their own email archive with CF?" ... The rest
> has been an exercise in attempting to tell me that I should be doing
> something else, like using Google Apps for Business.

Actually that is not the case. The only reason the Google Apps discussion
went on is because you said "it can't do x and y" so we simply pointed out
that it can in fact do x and y so does indeed meet your requirements.

> And Dave, talk about OT! Suggesting I use Google Apps, or anything else,
> instead of even attempting to answer my question, isn't acceptable
> to this OP. I've had already looked at Gmail and found it unsuitable.
> And to suggest that you know best what my clients' need that I do,
> is terribly presumptuous.

You found it unsuitable because as you have shown you did not know how to
use or how it worked, thus your misconception

> The client's needs that I'm trying to address happens to be a NON-PROFIT
> USO organization who is trying to find solutions while keeping the cost
> at a minimum. And going from $50 per month to $500 per month for email
> isn't a wise use of their funds. Some of you who have to work as employees
> instead of having the skill-set (including the aforementioned people
> skills)
> to run your own business where you have to manage relationships with
> people,
> may think that if a business is *worthy* to exist, then it should prove
> it by purchasing costly and wasteful solutions to problems. But some
> organizations, and even for-profit businesses, prefer to try to find the
> least-expensive, yet effective solutions to meet their needs.

It is shame you had not mentioned that at the Start as both myself and Dave
could have then pointed out to you that Google Apps is completely FREE for
non profit orgs.
Therefore developing a custom solution in CF would definitely be more

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