That means you are running CF under the system account, you can create a
dedicated windows user account, and change the ColdFusion service logon
identity to be that new account. You will also need to make sure this new
user has the appropriate NTFS permissions, see the CF9 lockdown guide for
more info on that:
Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional - ColdFusion Consulting & Products - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure? - FuseGuard your CFML in 10

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Eugene Colucci <> wrote:

> I currently use ColdFusion 9,0,1,274733 Standard, stand-alone edition on
> Windows Server 2008 R2 on a machine that was "cloned" from another
> computer.  After I log into the ColdFusion Administrator and select the
> (System) Information page, I scroll to the User Name field and see
> ABCserver$ (not the real name), which is the same as the User Name on the
> machine that was cloned.  According to CF Administrator Help, the User Name
> field is "The account that runs the ColdFusion service."  However, the User
> Name field value actually seems to be the computer name--in my case the
> computer name of the original server.  I checked this field on our other CF
> servers, and the names in each case matched the correct computer name--even
> on our other cloned computers.  However for some reason on one particular
> machine, the User Name field still retains the value of the original
> computer name.  Does someone know a way to change this value manually?

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