>That means you are running CF under the system account, you can create a
>dedicated windows user account, and change the ColdFusion service logon
>identity to be that new account. You will also need to make sure this new
>user has the appropriate NTFS permissions, see the CF9 lockdown guide for
>more info on that: http://bit.ly/cf9lockdown
>Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional
>http://foundeo.com/ - ColdFusion Consulting & Products
>http://hackmycf.com - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubESB87vl5U - FuseGuard your CFML in 10

Sorry, I neglected to indicate that all our CF servers run under the Local 
System account with the "Allow service to interact with desktop" checkbox 
unchecked.  So if all our other servers have the correct User Name value, why 
is this not the case for our "trouble-maker" CF server?  Do you have any idea? 

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