I won't try to re-hash the entirely valid points Dave, Ben and others make
regarding the needed skill set that a server admin should have, nor where
the blame lies if a server is left unprotected/unpatched etc.

Consider this counterpoint:  When a situation like the current one
arises... what do the headlines read?  is it along the lines of

"Idiots Get What They Deserve"

or is it

"Big Company Screws Up"

Like it or not, ColdFusion's reputation and marketability suffers when such
easy targets of opportunity exist.  The media will never pin the blame
where it belongs, and that oh-so-public blame will hound CF and Adobe for a
long time to come.

Wil's post above looks like a good start with respect to a feature set.
And I would further add that a good feature that may help sales would be
an upgrade installer that tries to harden an existing site along the lines
of the lockdown guide.  Imagine all of the server admins out there that
would buy a CF upgrade they otherwise wouldn't if it let them click
'Continue' to secure their servers.

Janitor, The Robertson Team

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