
Based on what you’ve outlined below, and what you’re already aware of, I would 
say the biggest challenge for your migration is going to be in migrating the 
databases from SQLServer.  That one can tricky but there are a number of good 
tools out there to help you do that. 

In answer to your other questions:

        1) The case-sensitivity is the big issue with existing apps.   For 
relative paths in your apps, make sure you take a look at any hard-coded path 
delimiters as well and change back-slashes to slashes. The other challenges 
come on the differences in the configuration side of things. 
        2) Linux distros are a matter of preference, and the debate can rage on 
forever. That said, CentOS is the winner in my book, hands down, for Coldfusion 
web application servers and for most dedicated database servers. The distro is 
active, well maintained, and just about every module or library you would need 
is actively developed to be compatible with CentOS/RedHat.  Ubuntu is a solid 
server distro as well, but falls a bit short to CentOS, IMHO, as a CF/Railo 

        Yes, the move is relatively painless - even more so with Railo 4 than 
it was with Railo 3.  You may have some pain if you have apps that create or 
manipulate PDF’s extensively for reporting or CFChart as you may find some 
differences in the way they are rendered.  The unsupported tags list will help 
you there as it identifies where there are differences in functionality: 
https://github.com/getrailo/railo/wiki/CFML-tags-that-are-not-supported  You 
will miss the ability to drop a CF application in to a new webroot and go, but 
configuring the server.xml file for a new site is relatively painless.  You can 
also install mod_cfml to automate the process: http://www.modcfml.org/

A Control Panel is really helpful for administering multiple clients.  
VirtualMin is my preference among Linux CP’s.


On Mar 28, 2014, at 5:21 AM, Mike K <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes yes yes, I know its been done and done again here.    I'd like to know
> the opinion of some of you who've been down this road a few times  - its
> quite a while since I've moved hosts.. here's my issue:
> I need to move to a new hosting company from the one I have my small
> business sites on.   These are the mom-pop businesses that make up quite a
> bit of my business.    Typically they're relatively stable sites with a
> SQLServer2005 database in a shared hosting environment.
> My hosting wholesaler has pissed me off once too often and I am going to
> move that part of my business somewhere else.
> I am thinking of a virtual server in the cloud,  moving to Linux and Railo
> from Windows2003 Server and ColdFusion.
> [A]  OS move:
> I'm aware from past experience that I'm going to get some links that fail
> because Linux is case sensitive in filenames and Windows isnt.   I've tried
> to be disciplined in using filenames because of that but I just know there
> are going to be some links or cflocations that fail on that account.
> Are there any other 'gotchas' moving from windows to linux?
> Is there any benefit of one flavour of Linux over another?
> [B] Server environment move:
> How about moving from ColdFusion (currently v9) to Railo?    Is it REALLY
> compatible?   Am i really likely to be able to just copy my files to a
> Railo environment and have most of them work ok?   What's been your
> experience with that move?
> -- 
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com

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