We use CentOS extensively here at CFWT and have many customers using it as
well. Very solid. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Guido [mailto:gerald.gu...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 10:29 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Moving part of my hosting business - thoughts about my plan
please ...

> I like RHEL/CentOS because they are pretty stable and they don't do
> bleeding
> edge, main bug/security fixes, you have to upgrade to the next major
> release to upgrade major versions of many packages.

Yeah what Pete said,

I have been on Centos and RedHat for years. It is very stable but the
package manager seems to be a few versions behind the latest release of
software packages. This is mostly for security and stability reasons, i.e.
they err on the side of caution. Which is fine and dandy with me.

There are a multitude of hosting CF's out there what will automate a lot
of, if not most, admin chores. But the downside of these are of course
security concerns. The most infamous of which is Kloxo:


So caveat emptor and do your research first.


*Gerald Anthony Guido*
Nullius in verba <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullius_in_verba>
-- Horace

Twitter <https://twitter.com/CozmoTrouble>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/gerald.guido.9>

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Pete Freitag <p...@foundeo.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:21 AM, Mike K <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Are there any other 'gotchas' moving from windows to linux?
> >
> I did a presentation on Linux for CF users at cf.Objective() this year, my
> slides are here: http://slides.com/petefreitag/cf-on-linux#/
> Is there any benefit of one flavour of Linux over another?
> >
> Yes, if you pick an obscure distribution intended for hardcore linux users
> (for example Gentoo linux) you will have a hard time as a newbie. Pick one
> that is commonly used such as Redhat Enterprise Linux / CentOS or Ubuntu.
> like RHEL/CentOS because they are pretty stable and they don't do bleeding
> edge, main bug/security fixes, you have to upgrade to the next major
> release to upgrade major versions of many packages. This has downsides
> for example RHEL/CentOS 6.x will only support Apache 2.2.x if you want
> Apache 2.4 you have to install it manually or wait for RHEL7.
> --
> Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional
> http://foundeo.com/ - ColdFusion Consulting & Products
> http://hackmycf.com - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubESB87vl5U - FuseGuard your CFML in 10
> minutes

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