On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:21 AM, Mike K <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are there any other 'gotchas' moving from windows to linux?

I did a presentation on Linux for CF users at cf.Objective() this year, my
slides are here: http://slides.com/petefreitag/cf-on-linux#/

Is there any benefit of one flavour of Linux over another?

Yes, if you pick an obscure distribution intended for hardcore linux users
(for example Gentoo linux) you will have a hard time as a newbie. Pick one
that is commonly used such as Redhat Enterprise Linux / CentOS or Ubuntu. I
like RHEL/CentOS because they are pretty stable and they don't do bleeding
edge, main bug/security fixes, you have to upgrade to the next major
release to upgrade major versions of many packages. This has downsides too,
for example RHEL/CentOS 6.x will only support Apache 2.2.x if you want
Apache 2.4 you have to install it manually or wait for RHEL7.

Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional
http://foundeo.com/ - ColdFusion Consulting & Products
http://hackmycf.com - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubESB87vl5U - FuseGuard your CFML in 10

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