Justin, yes I reported this too Adobe during the ColdFusion 10 beta. I can
confirm and hope that by the fact that the ticket has been marked fixed,
that this is now in ColdFusion 11 as a fix.

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Justin Scott <leviat...@darktech.org>wrote:

> > Also, QA and debugging are usually paid positions, except for open
> > source software.  If Adobe wants to make CF open source, I will be
> > happy to volunteer some time to help fix it.  Otherwise, not my job.
> Bugs happen... as a developer I'm sure you've had clients bring bugs
> to you and you've asked them to provide additional information so they
> could be reproduced and fixed.  It "wasn't their job" per se, but it
> happens to all of us.
> One of the companies I work with was all geared up to move a fairly
> large e-commerce network from CF8 to CF10 when we ran into an issue
> with the 404 handler (see
> https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3488063) which had
> been previously reported to Adobe, but they were having trouble
> reproducing it internally.  I spent a lot of time setting up test
> cases and bolting on debugging tools, gathering packet captures,
> getting traces from IIS, and digging way deeper than I ever thought I
> would.  After lots of rounds of back and forth with Adobe engineering,
> they will soon be releasing* an update to the Tomcat connector for
> CF10 and I'm sure it'll make its way into CF11 as well.  Anyone who's
> run into the "connection reset" issue when using a CF-based 404
> handler will soon have a fix for that problem.  It "wasn't my job" to
> help them troubleshoot this and create a reproduction scenario and
> work with them to test potential solutions (heck, we even paid for the
> privilege through a platinum support contract), but we needed that
> feature to work properly, so we did what was needed to help them fix
> it.  Sorry, I get annoyed whenever I hear people say "not my job".
> -Justin

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