There are people doing that, and their entries are being closed
without comment, even when they request comment.  So what's the point?

Also, QA and debugging are usually paid positions, except for open
source software.  If Adobe wants to make CF open source, I will be
happy to volunteer some time to help fix it.  Otherwise, not my job.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 10:38 AM, Steve 'Cutter' Blades
<> wrote:
> Review the install of the now public beta. Write down a list of
> faults/suggestions. Go file it in the bug report tool. Let everyone know
> that it's there for vote and comment. Everyone then go vote and comment.
> If you do it right, and you give it full court press, maybe we can get
> at least partial response before they take the server to full product.

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