Okay, so I've been trying to solve a problem I'm having with a Custom 
Tag I wrote to do ldap lookups.

The "QueryName" attribute gets passed in, along with a FilterValue.

My problem is that when I call this tag twice or more within one page, 
the results of the FIRST lookup seem to stick and the second lookup 
doesn't work

First lookup: value of NetID is ab1234

             QueryName          = "GetLDAPInfo"
             FilterName         = "UserID"
             FilterValue        = "#NetID#"
             UserID             = "Yes"
             FullName           = "Yes"
             LastName           = "Yes"
             FirstName          = "Yes"
             Department         = "Yes"
             EmplID             = "Yes"
             StaffEmail         = "Yes">

Second lookup: value of NetID is xy6789

             QueryName          = "GetLDAPInfoContact"
             FilterName         = "UserID"
             FilterValue        = "#NetID#"
             UserID             = "Yes"
             FullName           = "Yes"
             LastName           = "Yes"
             FirstName          = "Yes"
             Department         = "Yes"
             EmplID             = "Yes"
             StaffEmail         = "Yes">

When I reference #GetLDAPInfoContact.FirstName# it contains the value 
for #GetLDAPInfo.FirstName#

Is there some sort of caching happening when a Custom Tag is called more 
than once?

This is CFMX 7, btw. :-\

I thought by dynamically changing the Query Name value within the Custom 
Tag it would solve this (it used to be the same query name each time the 
Custom Tag was called), but that wasn't it.

Any insight is appreciated.


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