I'll add: while you're checking stuff out, be sure to check out:
http://brackets.io  Has a CFML extension, is super-fast & lightweight, has
great find-and-replace, and has amazing front-end dev tools.

On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Rob Voyle <robvo...@voyle.com> wrote:

> Hi Steve
> I use cfbuilder 3 on my local development of applications (Win 7 machine).
> Having migrated from using Homesite (which I still use for its ease of
> extended
> find/replace across entire web projects)
> I am not very impressed with cfbuilder. It could be very useful and has
> some
> promise but I would not pay money for it again, and if you already have a
> template editor you like don't waste your time trying to get a free version
> working.
> While you can select a range of editor preferences color coding etc. You
> will have
> varying and frustrating results with many preferences not sticking after
> you close
> and reopen the program.
> The syntax error reporting and color coding is insanely erroneous and
> unhelpful.
> Many of these bugs have had multiple bug reports made at Adobe but nothing
> has been done
> The built in FTP is so complex to setup, I gave up and went back to an
> external
> FileZilla program.
> For a relative beginner to the deeper complexity and power of CF (despite
> having
> used it for many years) I found it very difficult to find the settings
> that control
> many of the preferences. Seemed like I am using "confusion builder" rather
> than
> "coldfusion builder"
> Rob
> Robert J. Voyle, Psy.D.
> Director, Clergy Leadership Institute
> For Coaching and Training in Appreciative Inquiry
> Author: Restoring Hope: Appreciative Strategies
>             to Resolve Grief and Resentment
> http://www.appreciativeway.com/
> 503-647-2378 or 503-647-2382
> On 6 Jan 2015 at 18:18, Steve LaBadie wrote:
> >
> > We just purchased CF 11 and we also received a license for Builder
> > 3. I don't know anything about the product and wanted to know if it
> > something that should be installed. Does it get installed on the
> > server or desktop?

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