Thank you, Richard!  Now you're talking.  I had nothing but trouble from
Studio, met with varying degrees of indifference & incompetence from Allaire
staff... and gave up on it.

I switched to UltraEdit, took the time to customize it fully to my liking
(loading cf word lists, syntax highlighting, etc), and never looked back.
Productivity is up, and frustration is way down.

UltraEdit fits on one floppy when zipped, costs $30 to register, and can
easily be configured to work nicely with any programming language.  Needless
to say at this point, I am very pleased with it.  I wouldn't go back to
Studio even if was free.

My $0.02.

Douglas Malcolm

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Kuryk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 9:46 AM
To: Doug
Subject: RE: CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?

If it crashes and eats through memory don't use it and certainly don't
purchase it!  There are many good programmer editors out there.  UltraEdit,
MultiEdit, and the list goes on and on, give your money to something that is
stable and is not counterproductive.  Most of these editors have demos or
eval copies and can be customized to do whatever you like.  I have even read
that the new multiedit integrates into studio, not sure I would want that
but hey maybe it makes studio more stable.

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