Are these concerns specific to Access 97?  What about Access 2000?  I
realize that in both cases we're talking about a "desktop application,"
but small differences could make a big difference to a small company
trying to decide.

        -- Owen

Athens County Library Services

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Access is a Desktop application and not a Server application
> Access has a 50 concurrent user limit - it errors as soon as
> this is broken
> Access uses Table Locking, not Record Locking - so if you
> want to update/add
> a record, no other users can add/update to that table - this
> is hellishly
> important!
> Access's ODBC has memory leaks - it will mean the server must
> regularly be
> restarted
> Access isn't Transact SQL - this means you need 1 CFQuery per
> query - if you
> want to do tons of INSERT INTOs in a row, this slows up the template
> Access runs in the processor memory no matter which server
> isn't on - this
> means you can't have a separate database server to handle the
> SQL and a CF
> server to handle the templates

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