Here's an example. The NOCOUNT is inportant in SQL Server, I'm not sure in
other DBMS's:

            <cfquery name="insertEmail" DATASOURCE=#request.server.myDSN#>
                        SET NOCOUNT ON
                insert into emailContent
                        SELECT newID = @@IDENTITY
                        SET NOCOUNT OFF

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones, Becky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:02 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: update

is there anyway to output the last primary key number in a table after an
insert statement?
i need to capture that number on the same action page so i can pass it to
another table.  
in other words, on my insertApp.cfm i have the query to update my apps
but on this same page at the bottom, i have another form...a form to update
the licensing.  when i submit this form, i need that primary key from my
apps table to pass thru to my licensing table.  
so i need a way to capture that value.  
any ideas?

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